6 Access Points To The Courtroom Of Heaven

The word “court” is usually associated with a “venue where legal cases are presented before a Presiding Judge”. Similarly, we have a courtroom in Heaven to which we have access. There, Jesus acts as an advocate for those who have trusted Him to represent them before the Father. We as

3 Keys To Breaking The Back Of Financial Struggle

When we are unaware of or pay little attention to our adversary’s tactics to gain the upper hand, our lives become collateral damage to a war between two kingdoms. As Creator of all things, God knows what’s best for surviving the world He created and blesses those who

6 Principles To Understand If You Want To Hold Your Vantage Point Over The Enemy

Have you ever felt a deep insatiable hunger for Jesus? When a holy hunger is chumming the waters of your innermost being, the symphony of voices and desires goes silent. However, Christ is not walking on earth in physical form anymore, so how do we, as Christians, gain access to

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