"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
— 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

In the New Covenant, our relationship with God is no longer governed by the rigid structures of the law but by the liberating power of grace. Tithing, a principle often associated with the Old Testament law, takes on a deeper and more personal significance under the grace of God.

In the Old Testament, tithing was a legal requirement—a commandment given to ensure the support of the Levites and the functioning of the temple. But under the New Covenant, we are invited to step into a higher understanding of giving. Jesus fulfilled the law, and in Him, we find the freedom to give, not out of obligation, but from a heart transformed by grace.

When we tithe under grace, our giving becomes an act of worship, an expression of love, and a demonstration of our trust in God's provision. It's not about meeting a specific percentage or fulfilling a requirement; it's about aligning our hearts with God's heart, recognizing that all we have comes from Him, and returning a portion as a joyful response to His goodness.

Tithing under grace releases us from the burden of obligation and invites us into the joy of partnership with God. We give because we have received abundantly from Him, and our giving is a reflection of our gratitude and faith in His continual provision. As we give our tithes, we do so with the confidence that God will multiply our seed, not because we are under the law, but because we are under grace.

Prophetic Declaration

I declare that as you tithe, your heart will overflow with joy and thanksgiving. May your giving unlock the windows of heaven, releasing blessings and abundance into every area of your life. You are not bound by the law, but you are free to give generously, and as you do, may you experience the full measure of God's favor and provision. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.