1.) Usually when you receive a WhatsApp from them it is about an issue or a problem. Or they always asking and taking and adding pressure. You will begin to develop the feeling of not even opening their WhatsApp’s and eventually be blamed for ghosting them.
2.) They only talk to you because they need something. They never have a solution only problems.
3.) Their mouths are full of promises that never materialize. It’s a form of witchcraft that drains and sucks the life out of you, if you don’t know how to remove expectations.
4.) They will be friendly to you and but nasty behind your back. They are the MOST dangerous.
5.) They will always speak bad about your business, or ministry, saying how YOUR people are full of problems, and YOUR people are hypocrites. YOUR people is fake and they have sin their lives. (As if anyone is sinless).. They are actually indirectly disrespecting you. If anyone disrespects your business, cut that person.
6.) They will cause strife in your life. Where envy and strife is, is every manner of evil.
7.) They cannot see as far as you or as big as you so they limit and discourage your faith. You are on a mission. Have like-minded people.
Soon I will do a series on “Cutting Toxic People Out Of Your Life”.
Do they add or take from you? Do they speak well about you behind your back? (I think I have ONLY 2 ministry friends at the moment that I fully know they speak well behind my back.) Let God change YOUR SEASONS and allow Him to prune that needs to be pruned!