The Secret To Wisdom

“For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.”-Proverbs 8:35 (NIV)

Solomon makes it clear in his writings in the book of Proverbs that wisdom is an essential key to attaining favour. It’s important to remember that just as we grow in wisdom in phases, so do we grow in the favour of God as well.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”Luke 2:52 (NIV)

This simple verse gives us so much insight into how Jesus spent His days preparing for His mission. If Christ spent His time strengthening His knowledge, spirit and even body, shouldn’t we do that too?

It’s important that God’s favour comes upon you to accomplish a purpose. When He favours you, it’s not for you to sit back on and enjoy, or to use it for self-enrichment, but to do something with it for His glory.

Since wisdom is applied knowledge, a sure way to develop this is through spending time every day reading the Word, listening to prophets and generals of God, praying, acting on the whispers of the Holy Ghost, etc.

If we seek to increase in wisdom, we will find a doorway to access this supernatural favour.

Prophetic Declaration

May I grow in favour, developing a godly and supernatural wisdom. I thank You that you lead me, guide me and equip me in the various levels of the wisdom of God, in the Name of Jesus.