The Change Of Season!

“Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.” Psalm 102:13 (KJV)

There is a set time for you to receive an endowment of favour, and that time is now! Another translation of this verse says that the appointed time and the designated moment has finally come.

I am here to prophesy to you today that a season is coming to an end. No longer shall people around you be favoured while you’re being forgotten. The time of others receiving answers to prayer while you’re trapped in a season of despair has come to an end. Gone are the days where others are accelerated forward and you’re left behind.

Just as this scripture declares that she shall be favoured and that she is entering a time which has been ordained for her rising, so it shall be for you!

If you are not spiritually alert to what God is doing now, you could miss the timing of your breakthrough.

Are your spiritual receptors in tune with the changing of the seasons?

Prophetic Declaration

I am spiritually alert. My receptors are set to the frequency of God, and I am stepping into the new season which He has set in motion for me. I am highly favoured. I am a magnet for miracles. It is my time to arise. It is my time for uncommon favour!