Pursuing Purpose

The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man...” - Genesis 39:2 (NKJV)

Just as I taught yesterday, success is not measured by the World’s standards, but in fact, by the evidence of God’s presence resting upon your life.

This, in turn, attracts favour – both with man and with God – to your life. So if His presence is the prize, then how do we lay aside all the distractions?

“We need to learn to stop pursuing things and to start pursuing Him!” When you pursue what God has designed you to accomplish here on this Earth, then you are pursuing what is important to Him, and therefore you are pursuing Him.

Attaining success is, quite simply, the fulfilment of the original intent or purpose for your life. It is tapping into the reason you were born. It is you discovering your purpose and completing it before you die.

This means that the measuring stick for success is recognising your call and purpose, identifying how much of that you have fulfilled, and pressing onward to completing that assignment.

Prophetic Declaration

Every distraction and every weight which would draw my attention away from God and His call upon my life, I choose to cast down today in the Name of Jesus. As I embark on the journey to fulfilling my destiny, may I taste success in ways I had never expected. Prosperity is my portion! In Jesus Name, Amen!