I Don’t See Results from My Tithing

We have been blessed to hear at least one remarkable testimony of tithing, and it’s possible that some of you have your own stories to share as well. Meanwhile, some people claim that giving tithes is a bad experience they put behind them.

  • “Tithing didn’t work for me”.
  • “I gave it my best effort, but my circumstances didn’t change”.
  • “I stopped tithing because I didn’t see any notable results”.

While there is no universal solution or one-size-fits-all answer here, I encourage you to keep reading as this will put your scepticism to bed.

I Can’t Blame Tithing When:

  • I make poor business decisions.
  • I’m a poor steward of my finances and life.
  • When my heart is in the wrong place, the act of tithing and giving tithes speak of two different attitudes of the heart.
  • I’m inconsistent in paying my tithes.
  • I was paying an offering or a seed to represent my tithes.
  • I am too “cash-strapped”, so I don’t need to pay a whole tithe.  (2 Cor 9:6)
“Biblical stewardship is not new on the market, but to our current culture, it can seem foreign.”

Be a Good Steward of Your Finances.

Heaven's curriculum incorporates good financial and life management practices. The concept of responsible stewardship of what God has given you, captures the entirety of the Bible’s teachings on money.

Even if some Christians could comprehend it, very few get revelation regarding its more profound applicability to their lives. Where our heart is, is determined by what we value (Matthew 6:21).

Managers of God’s Franchise.

Each of us is managing a franchise that belongs to God. We should not overlook or use carelessly resources that are not our own, including our time, talents, money, and other assets. Instead, God has given them to us for His glory.

Biblical stewardship offers a way to wisely see and manage the resources God has given us. It allows us to match our priorities with His while giving us the means to meet our needs and exalt Him. When done correctly, it maintains our priorities and creates the proper balance.

The Richest Man in Human History.

He is renowned for his wisdom, songs, and proverbs. Although Solomon was not flawless, he was articulate, wise, successful, and productive. Royals and commoners pleaded for his counsel.

Solomon was chosen to oversee His project when God permitted a temple to be built. Nobody has been able to create something comparable to this day.

“King Solomon was a good steward with what God gave him.”

How Rich Was King Solomon?

I read that in 1929, an extensive study was conducted by the Illinois Society of Architects of the temple built by Solomon. Although this was many years ago, experts placed its value at 87 billion dollars. If you would take a 7 per cent inflation rate per year, that sets the value of the temple at more than 500 billion dollars.

This accomplishment does not include the palace Solomon built, his real estate holdings, and other priceless items. His palace, claimed to be just as majestic and opulent, is said to have taken almost twice as long to complete. That is unquestionably wealth and success!

6 Key Principles Solomon Put In Place For Success.

He is a master of achievement. His formula was simple yet profoundly successful. Your success can increase, and your life will change by adopting his principles. This is your personal achiever's maxim, taken directly from Solomon's life.

 1. Solomon Was an Uncommon Achiever.

Despite facing tragic experiences and personal losses, Solomon rose to prominence. Even Jesus mentioned him (Matthew 6:29; Matthew 12:42). Solomon had a rare knack for success! Uncommon achievers are unique.

  • When others doubt, they believe.
  • When others are slow, they run.
  • When others weep, they laugh.
  • When others quit, they persevere.

 2. Solomon Obsessed Over Wisdom and                         Knowledge

People instinctively associate Solomon with wisdom. Solomon stood out from other men due to his appetite for knowledge and wisdom, which remains unmatched.

Solomon did not pursue fame and fortune like most people do. God's response to his desire for wisdom to be his greatest gift is remarkable. (Kings 3:11-13— KJV)

 3. Solomon Didn’t Act Like a Know-It-All.

Solomon acknowledged his limitations, he recognized that he needed a power greater than his own.  He stated in 1 Kings 3:7 (NKJV)— , " but I am a little child, I do not know how to go out or come in.”.

Recognize that you are dependent on your Creator. Life should be a faith experience. The flow of faith breathes energy, creativity, and enthusiasm into everything you do.

“Every step of self-efficiency is a step away from God.”

 4. Solomon Turned to Other Uncommon                     Achievers For Insight.

God will place someone close to you that contains your answers. In 2 Chronicles 2:3 (NKJV)— Solomon documents his pursuit of a significant king who held the keys to his dream. He put these principles in place to achieve his goal.

  • He consulted other achievers.
  • He put in every effort and dropped his pail into the well of successful people.
  • He showed good conduct in the presence of greatness. How you conduct yourself may determine whether you receive a second invitation.

 5. Solomon Clearly Explained His Expectations          of Others.

Solomon gave clear explanations of his strategy and delegated duties. He was aware of what tasks to assign to whom. Even, in 1 Kings 5:6 (NKJV), he openly conveyed his expectations to Hiram, the King of Tyre.

This approach removes doubt and uncertainty.  It makes people abandon themselves to their assignments.  Do those around you have a clear understanding of your expectation of them?

Solomon was meticulous and detailed with specific instructions when he planned the temple (1 Kings 6:2).

 6. Solomon Understood the Power of Words.

The power of life or death is in the tongue.  No one understood the power of words like Solomon.  He showcased 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs.

He also understood words' effect on others (1 Kings 5:4).  Solomon painted a portrait of peace and prosperity with his words.  He didn’t discuss his doubts and did not inject the atmosphere with fear and anticipated loss.

“Solomon’s keys to success are within your reach!”

Solomon’s life was a lesson in mercy, grace, humility, wisdom, knowledge, obedience, and disobedience.  Because Solomon asked for the right things, he got more than he asked for (James 1:5).  Solomon’s wise stewardship blessed him beyond measure.