Are You A Person of Prayer?

Are You A Person of Prayer?

“Why are we not seeing the same power and miracles today that was recorded in the Bible?”

I have many times been confronted with this question – both from myself and from precious Believers around me.

When you study the life of Jesus and those who walked with Him, you will always find one common denominator – they were a people of prayer. This alone gives us the necessary key to change and impact those around us.

There is a place which you can reach in prayer when you can become one with Him. This is when everything about you will begin to change. It is in prayer where God will remove every seed that the enemy has planted in your life as He smears you with the oil from heaven.

There is limited power in the body of Christ because there is limited prayer. Power will rush upon your life when you make a decision to dedicate yourself to prayer and spend time with the Father, just like Jesus did.

Make the decision to separate yourself as you spend time in prayer, pursuing Him in the secret place. I can guarantee you today that if you do this, change will be evident upon your life, and you will begin to impact the lives of many.