3 Non-Negotiable Directives For Promotion

The Bible is full of revelations, mysteries, and secrets waiting to be discovered. Valuable diamonds are waiting to be unearthed inside its pages by individuals who would listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance and who are hungry to find them.

The Bible must be revelation and not just information. It is revelation that will make the Word powerful and effective in your life. These three directives will synchronize your diversities with God's Word to frame this narrative.


When we hear the word servant, we automatically associate it with those who are less skilled, yet servanthood is an attitude that will influence the outcome of many aspects of our lives.

To add to this focus, in Matthew 25:14-21, we observe a comparison between the man who went on a long journey and left his money to his employees and Jesus entrusting specific issues to us, His sons, and daughters when He ascended to Heaven. God entrusted us with the responsibility of multiplying what He has given us.

But how do we multiple what He has given us?

  • We need to be in sync with our Heavenly Father’s business
  • We need to be outwardly focused
  • We must be living for God and His needs
  • We must be selfless in our ways
  • We must serve the vision of the Father

When the servanthood regime has cut to your heart, its reach in influence and power becomes revolutionary.

A sacrificed life of servanthood will obtain a Kingdom first mentality which will unlock supernatural dimensions of wealth for you - Matthew 6:33

“If you never tire of advancing God’s Kingdom, God will never tire of blessing you.”


Although faith is invisible, it is a very real and powerful force that significantly impacts your degree of significance. Let's look at what faith is, how faith is acquired, and why faith is essential to your relevance.

1. What is Faith?

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)

Faith is the complete assurance in one's heart that what God says in His word is the absolute truth. It is trusting that what the Bible says about your prosperity is God’s plan and that where you are today is not where you will finish.

2. How do I get faith?

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

There is a type of hearing that will increase your faith. It is a spiritual hearing that brings revelation into your spirit; it removes doubt. Through revelation and experience, you become fully convinced of the Truth in scripture; thus, building your faith.

There are various ways of hearing God’s word to build your faith:

3. Why does faith play a role in my relevance?

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4 (NKJV)

What you will be trusted with will be determined by your capacity. You will increase in ability as you obtain revelation through hearing and implement what you've learned. As your faith grows, so does your spiritual capacity, and as your spiritual capacity grows, so does your potential to multiply and make a success of what God has given you; this will cause an increase in your importance.

God is seeking people who can take the bags of silver they've been given and use them to forward His vision.


He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.”
Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV)

Everything in the Kingdom of God revolves around progress. You can't advance or grow if you're surrounded by people who don't want to advance or grow. It is common knowledge that you will absorb the mentality of those with whom you associate. So, here are some questions for you:

  • Who are the three people you are closest to (not family)?
  • Are they challenging and pushing you forward?
  • Do they tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear?
  • Are they operating in a dimension that you desire to obtain?

Although no one intends to be average, settling will result in a settled life. If you want to be successful in life, you'll need to develop the qualities that highly successful people possess. We must be organically motivated to pay attention to, admire, and implement the traits of successful people to inspire improvement in ourselves.  So, how do you make friends with successful people.

1. Prayer:

  • Ask God to establish divine Holy Spirit lead relationships in your life.
  • Ask God to connect you with great people.
  • Ask God for wisdom and discernment in your relationships.

2. Through honour and respect:

God did not appoint us as His agents for the sole purpose of just surviving. We were sent by a divine mandate to live more abundantly, with Kingdom vision, a refined spirit, and testimony of achievement. If you disregard this errand, you have impoverished yourself.